Water line repair scheduled Wednesday on Shoup Avenue in Idaho Falls

The following is a news release from the City of Idaho Falls.
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (City of Idaho Falls)– The City of Idaho Falls Water Division will be repairing a water service line on the 500 block of Shoup Avenue, on Wednesday, Jan. 22.
Work is scheduled to begin at 8:00 a.m. and is anticipated to be completed around 5:00 p.m. The actual duration of the water being shut off to the building will depend on the conditions encountered. All properties whose water service is being impacted are being personally notified by Water Division staff.
Traffic will also be detoured around the worksite.
Additionally, when water is restored in the area, residents may notice discoloration in the water. It is recommended residents impacted run their cold water until clear before consumption.
Please reduce speeds, obey posted traffic control signage, and watch for construction crews throughout the work zone.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we replace the water valve as quickly as possible.
For questions or concerns, contact the Water Division at (208) 612-8471.