Annual Homeless Stand Down helps low income people prepare for winter

With temperatures dropping, Southeast Idaho's homeless and low income population are vulnerable to hunger, frost bite and viruses.
“There’s people who rely on this event to get through the winter,” said Susan Thurm of the Aid for Friends shelter.
Held in conjunction with Idaho State University, the 21st annual Southeast Idaho Homeless Stand Down helped hundreds of people prepare for the winter.
After a hot breakfast and a shower in the ISU gym, people could stock up on clothes, sleeping bags, hygiene products and winter gear.
Health check ups were offered by ISU students from the pharmacy, dental hygiene, cosmetology and other programs.
“We bring in flu shots, blood pressure tests, HIV testing, hepatitis C testing,” Thurm said.
Just across the hall, veterans were offered services to help get them on their feet.
“Homeless veterans, it’s a problem in Idaho, and we have a lot of services that the veterans need to know about so we can provide for them and get them into housing," said Cody De Los Reyes, of the Pocatello Vet Center.
The Department of Veterans Affairs, the Idaho Division of Veterans Services, and other organizations helped veterans get in touch with resources they may need.
“Just giving veterans an idea on what services are available for them,” De Los Reyes said.
The annual Stand Down begins planning in August. Those interested in getting involved next year can call the Aid for Friends shelter at 208-232-0178.