Health care industry hardest hit by COVID related layoffs

BOISE, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK)-The Idaho Department of Labor is now processing 108,984 claims for unemployment benefits filed during the first five weeks of the COVID-19 emergency.
During the week ending April 18, Idahoans filed 13,023 claims. That is a 30% decline from the previous week, but is still 12 times greater than all of 2019's weekly average.
The number of claims filed by people who are eligible and currently claiming benefits, but unable to return to work reached 67,722.
19% of the new claims were in the health care and social assistance sector, followed by accommodations and food services, and retail at almost 15% each. Altogether, those three sectors represent 48.6% of the total new claims filed last week.
Young people, under age 25, represent more than 25% of initial claims and 47% are under the age of 34. Women represent 56% of those filing.
The Department of Labor paid out $31.3 million in benefits to laid-off workers between March 23 and April 18. Payouts last week reached $12.8 million.
Based on Labor Department statistics, there have been 2,843 claims filed in Bonneville County, 1,877 filed in Bannock County, 550 filed in Madison County, and 382 in Bingham County, since the week of March 16.
You can find additional statistical information here.