Snake River Bridge to provide limited service
ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo. (KIFI/KIDK)-After a recent safety inspection, the Wyoming Department of Transportation moved to restrict heavier loads from crossing the Snake River Bridge on Wyoming Highway 22 near the Wyoming 390 intersection.
But, WYDOT said it is moving quickly to allow heavier machinery and loads to cross the bridge for both transportation and economic reasons. The Wyoming Transportation Commission has recently dedicated funds to repair the bridge. Once complete, the improvements will allow the bridge to accommodate normal operations until its replaced in 2023.
WYDOT said it will take several months to complete the repairs. In the meantime, WYDOT is working with local businesses and driver to accommodate one trip, one time, high-priority or urgent overweight loads across the bridge.
The exceptions are not intended for daily or weekly crossings and requests could take up to a week to approve. Drivers looking to make a request can contact Darin Kaufman at 307-352-3034.