1 hospitalized after fiery crash

JEFFERSON COUNTY, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - The Central Fire District reports a fiery two-vehicle crash occurred Sunday around 9:09 a.m. at 657 N. 3775 E. in Jefferson County.
Central Fire District’s Menan and Lewisville fire stations responded to the wreck.
Upon Menan Fire’s arrival, crews reported the camp trailer and truck were fully involved in fire, and all occupants were out of both vehicles.

Two residents, both living in the immediate area of the crash, assisted the occupants out of their vehicles.
Menan and Lewisville’s EMS personnel evaluated and treated the crash victims while fire personnel started fire extinguishment of the camp trailer and pickup truck.
The owner of the truck and camper said he saw smoke coming from the camp trailer as he was helped out of the pickup truck.

There was one occupant and his dog in the pickup truck/camper and two occupants of the car.
The pickup truck driver had very minor injuries and the dog was ok as well.
The driver of the car had no injuries and his female passenger had minor injuries that required an Idaho Falls ambulance to transport her to Madison Memorial Hospital.

Law enforcement personnel shut down the Menan–Lorenzo Highway at the west and east approach to the Annis Buttes for approximately three hours to allow for tow companies to clean up the wreckage.
The cause of the wreck is being investigated, but officials say it appears the car crossed the center lane of traffic.
Jefferson County Sheriff Deputies, Rigby City Police, Central Fire and Idaho Falls Ambulance responded to this wreck and fire.