Idaho Falls announces health order enforcement policy

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - Last week, the Idaho Falls City Council passed a resolution supporting the Governor's health orders. The council focused specifically on large, public gatherings that pose the biggest threat to the spread of COVID-19.
On Tuesday, the city announced a process for "citation and prosecution" of violation of that order.
Under it, the city's Special Events Coordinator (SEC) will work with event planners and venues to implement the limitations contained in health orders. The SEC will also work with the Idaho Falls Police Department to report alleged violations.
Idaho Falls Police may issue a citation to the event organizer or the venue that hosted the event if it finds a clear and significant violation. A citation may be submitted to the prosecutor for review. The Governor's current health order states that violations are a misdemeanor offense.
Police will focus on organized public events and will not respond to family gatherings or private residences. Events will not be shut down and those involved will not be arrested for violating the order.
The public is encouraged to NOT call 911 to report any gatherings they may be concerned about.
The public should call the city's Special Events Coordinator at 208-612-8831 if they have any questions about a specific event. The SEC will then investigate.
You can read our previous stories of this issue here and here.