Bonneville County officials sworn into office

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI) - Two new leaders were sworn-in as Bonneville County leaders Monday.
Commissioner Jonathon Walker and Sheriff Samuel Hulse took the oath of office at the Bonneville County Commissioner hearing room.
Bonneville County clerk Penny Manning performed the swearing-in ceremony.
Commissioner Roger Christensen and Prosecutor Daniel Clark also took the office for their current offices.
Christensen has been a county commission since 1995.
Clark has been the county prosecutor since November 2014 when he took over the office when Bruce Pickett became a district judge.
After the swearing-in ceremony, a virtual reception was held for outgoing commissioner Dave Radford. Radford had served as county commissioner since 2003.
Hulse is taking over as sheriff after Paul Wilde announced his retirement last January from law enforcement. Wild has been sheriff for 13 years when appointed sheriff by county commissioners in December 2007. He has been with Bonneville County Sheriff's office since 1976.