Fall River Electric members to elect 3 board members in June

ASHTON, Idaho (KIFI) — Fall River Electric members will be electing three board members in June from a slate of seven candidates.
This year, seven candidates are running for board positions from three of the nine districts. Those districts including District 1 Rexburg/Rigby area, District 5 that encompasses an area from northwest Driggs on through the Tetonia and Felt area, and finally, District 6 which is the Ashton area.
District 1 incumbent Brent “Husk” Crowther is seeking a second term and is joined on the ballot by fellow Hibbard area resident Rick Clements. Incumbent Brent Robson is seeking a fourth term in District 5 where he faces newcomer Emily Nichols while three candidates via for one position in District 6. Dede Draper is seeking her third term where she faces fellow Ashton area resident Britney Stegelmeier and Greg Bitter of the St. Anthony area.
As a nonprofit electric cooperative, one of the guiding principles of Fall River Electric is democratic member control where an elected nine-member board of directors provides the strategic direction, sets policies and makes decisions to ensure the Cooperative’s financial viability for years to come. Each year, owner-members (customers) of the Co-op have the opportunity to electric three board members that will each serve a three-year term.
All members of the Cooperative are eligible to vote for these candidates no matter where members reside since the board represents all owner-members.
Voting can be done online until June 16 at 1 p.m., by mail-in ballot or in-person at the Cooperative’s Energy Expo to be held on June 19, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. at North Fremont High School in Ashton.
Winning candidates will be announced at the conclusion of the business meeting portion of the Energy Expo on June 19.
Video statements from each candidate can be viewed on Fall River Electric’s website at www.fallriverelectric.com by clicking the link “Energy Expo.”
Written statements from each candidate can be found in the Energy Expo booklet along with the ballot for mail-in voting which has been mailed to every owner-member of the Co-op.