Begal debate opens season

POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI) – The Idaho State Rupp Debate team began their season online September 17-19 at “The Sir,” hosted by Carroll College.
The online competition drew a larger field than has been typical in prior years. featuring 72 teams from 15 universities.
ISU Debaters Abby Vaughn, a Boise senior studying Special Education and her partner Colter Barker, a Pocatello sophomore studying Computer Engineering narrowly missed the final round in the two day teaching tournament. Two of the four ISU speakers received top-10 honors for excellence in speaking.
Teams participated in British Parliamentary debate, a unique style which pits four teams from four different colleges against one another to argue positions.
Program Director Dr. Sarah Partlow-Lefevre, was very pleased with the outcome of the first tournament of the year.
"We have a core group of very committed debaters who are excited to participate in any way they can," Partlow-Lefevre said.
Partlow-Lefevre said the debaters paired in a novice-varsity pairing for this first tournament of the academic year.
Upcoming debates include Fran Tanner Memorial, hosted by the College of Idaho at Twin Falls; The Hunt Classic, from Lewis Clark College; The Mahaffey Memorial, from Linfield College in Oregon and Climb Online Tournaments.