Volunteers needed to help trim trees on City Creek Road Saturday

POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI) - Are you looking for an outdoor volunteer project?
The City of Pocatello needs your help trimming back trees and brush from the City Creek Road so the Forest Service can do erosion control work on the road this spring.
If you can't make it on April 9, they'd love your help earlier. Email or call Hannah Sanger at hsanger@pocatello.us or (208) 705-6360 to organize your own group to do some work in the next couple of weeks.
On Saturday, they will have some hand tools and lots of cotton gloves and snacks.
Volunteers are needed to:
- Check everyone in and out (we are using your volunteer time as a grant match)
- Organize a group to do a particular section of the road (bring tools).
- Help where needed (move cut branches off the road, cut branches with pruners or saw).
If you intend to bring a chainsaw, you must call Hannah Sanger at 208-705-6360 ahead of time.
You can sign up HERE.