Campaign to prevent underage drinking during the holiday season kicks off
POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI) - The next time you make a purchase at an Idaho State Liquor Store, you'll be part of the statewide campaign to prevent underage drinking. The campaign is sponsored by the Office of Drug Policy, the Idaho State Liquor Division,and Southeastern Idaho Public Health. All involved hope the message sticks.
On Tuesday, local youth spent community service hours placing eye-catching stickers on the brown paper bags customers use to carry their purchases from local liquor stores. The stickers standout on the store bags and provide a strong reminder: “Providing Alcohol to minors under 21 is against the law. Keep Idaho Youth Alcohol- Free.”
This public awareness campaign is taking place statewide during the holiday season. The campaign is intended to bring attention to the issue of underage drinking and the adults who provide alcohol to minors.
“Some adults do not believe underage drinking is a danger but alcohol impairs teenager’s judgment, which can lead to poor decision about engaging in risky behavior,” said Tessa Donaldson, Health Education Specialist at Southeastern Idaho Public Health. “The best thing the community can do to prevent underage drinking is to educate the youth and the adults on the dangers of underage drinking,” said an anonymous youth participant.
The Sticker Shock Campaign hopes to cause adults to think twice before making it any easier for youth to access alcohol. Underage drinking is a community concern and the most effective way to address it is through community involvement and everyone’s participation.