Gov. Little signs minimum fine for marijuana possesion into law

BOISE, Idaho (KIFI) - Idaho Governor Brad Little has signed into law a bill to make a minimum fine for minor marijuana possession.
Introduced by Representative Bruce D. Skaug, under House Bill 7, anyone 18 and over convicted for the first time of possession of three ounces or less of pot will be fined a minimum of 3-hundred dollars
The former bill reached the governor's desk Friday, February 21, after passing the Idaho Senate in a 28-8 vote.
"No judge has come to me, and I've been contacted with with lots of judges, and said, 'I don't want this'," Skaug told members of the Idaho House. "...The Sheriffs association supports this bill. The Fraternal Order of Police supports the passage of this bill."
Gov. Little has signed a total of seven bills into law so far this legislative session.
The new law takes effect July 2025.