Free suicide prevention community education night

JACKSON, Wyo. (KIFI) - Community members are invited to attend a free community education event focused on suicide prevention. On Tuesday, Nov. 1 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the 4-H building in Miller Park, individuals can learn about suicide prevention fundamentals, gatekeeper training, lethal means counseling and firearm safety.
This training will be conducted by suicidologist, Dr. Kent Corso, a licensed clinical psychologist and board-certified behavior analyst. His career in suicidology began almost two decades ago, while serving as an officer in the U.S. Air Force, focused on military and veteran suicide prevention. Dr. Corso has researched, developed, and trained others to implement evidence-based methods of suicide prevention and intervention nationally and internationally.
Suicide is a leading cause of preventable death in Wyoming and has longlasting impacts on individuals, families, and communities. Suicide rates in Wyoming are double the national rate and continues to significantly increase. This training opportunity can help our community be better equipped to advance suicide prevention by recognizing life distress and suffering, how to connect people with the resources and help they need, and how to reduce access to lethal means.
This event has been made possible through the generous donations by Guys Who Give, Jackson, WY, chapter, for suicide prevention.
If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, 24/7 free confidential crisis help is available at 307-733-2046 or you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. Local mental health resources can be found by visiting this link.