WYDOT adjusts signal timing at WYO 22, WYO 390

JACKSON, Wyo. (KIFI) - The Wyoming Department of Transportation has made some adjustments to the signal timing at the intersection of WYO 22 and WYO 390, the Village Road, to accommodate seasonal and daytime traffic flows.
WYDOT engineers have moved a fraction of time from the WYO 390 leg of traffic to WYO 22, to allot more traffic to flow off WYO 22 Teton Pass during certain times of day, so traffic doesn’t back up onto the pass.
The summer congestion has exceeded the roadway’s capacity. That, coupled with delays like crashes, construction and turning movements, has created, at some points, gridlocked lanes. WYDOT is hoping to alleviate some of this congestion on WYO 22 with some signal timing changes.
“During the summer months, the traffic volumes on 22 and 390 are beyond the capacity of the existing highways. Basically there are more cars than the roadway can handle. The highways have historically backed up for several years on weekdays in the summer. WYDOT recognized a safety problem with traffic being stopped on the steep grades of Teton Pass in the morning--and into town in the evening--creating complete gridlock,” WYDOT resident engineer Bob Hammond said.
“WY 390 has been backing up some, but not to the same extent at the other legs of the signal. WYDOT has to balance the movement through that signal and safety of the public. A decision was made to adjust the signal timing on the light at 22/390,” he added.
WYDOT typically adjusts signal timing based on traffic volumes reflective of season and time of day. Excessive volumes on WYO 22 have resulted in WYDOT examining what adjustments can be made to alleviate some congestion and promote safer conditions for drivers.
With the timing changes, drivers on WYO 390 may see an increase in congestion and wait times at the light. WYDOT will continue to monitor and make adjustments to the signal timing in response to observations and changes in traffic patterns.
“We will be adjusting the timing every few days to find that balance. We understand that this means traffic on WYO 390 will have to endure more delay. There is only so much time to go around,” Hammond said.
WYDOT would like to remind drivers to remember to obey all roadside signs, traffic control devices and closures. For more information about the work going on at the WYO 22 and WYO 390 intersection and Snake River Bridge, visit https://wy22wilsonsrb.com.