Landslide wipes out road over Teton Pass

The Wyoming Department of Transportation released the following statement following the Teton Pass collapse.
”We understand this highway is a lifeline for commuters, deliveries, medical care access and tourism, especially with limited alternatives and the summer season upon us. WYDOT engineers, surveyors and geologists mobilized quickly to try to maintain highway viability as long as possible, but catastrophic failure could not be avoided. WYDOT remains on site decisively engaged on fixing the road and restoring connectivity to the Teton Valley. Safety is our utmost priority, and we ask that recreationists and curious residents avoid the area until it can be stabilized.”
JACKSON WYOMING (KIFI)-Local News 8 has multiple crews on their way to the Teton Pass to get video and reaction for our newscasts tonight.
Tune in at 5:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. for more information. We also will update this story as we receive more information from our Local News 8 team, or the Wyoming Department of Transportation.
UPDATE Saturday, June 8 8:30 a.m.: JACKSON, Wyo. (KIFI) - A portion of the road over the Teton Pass has "castastrophically failed" the Wyoming Department of Transportation said Saturday morning.

They said the roadway at milepost 12.8 on Wyoming State Highway 22, Teton Pass, has catastrophically failed, and a long term closure is expected. The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) crews, along with contract crews from Evans Construction, were working in the area to construct a detour around the damage, but the landslide continued to move, taking out the whole road. No crews were hurt in the process, and no equipment was damaged.
WYDOT had contracted crews from Evans Construction on the pass to construct a temporary repair for the landslide at milepost 12.8. Crews were working last night to remove guardrail and had begun preparing for the removal of the pavement.

WYDOT is now reviewing a long term solution and repairs, and more information on planning efforts will be available soon.
In addition, the mudslide at milepost 15 on Teton Pass, has breached the roadway with mud and debris, overwhelming the channeled drainage ditch and culvert. Crews are working on clearing the mud and debris this morning.
UPDATE Friday, June 7 3:00 p.m.: The Teton Pass will remain closed Friday until road crews can clear debris off the highway.
Wyoming Department of Transportation said there is no estimated time when that road will open. They are working to open it within a day or two.
The road was closed Friday morning at 4:18 when mud and debris flowed across the road at milepost 15.
At milepost 12.8, where a large crack was discovered in the road Thursday morning, crews are working on a temporary solution to stabilize the slide area. They are removing the asphalt on the roadway to minimize the weight on the unstable ground. They say this will help reduce the driving force pushing the movement.
The road will be realigned closer to the mountain in a shoe fly detour configuration, similar to what drivers see on a two-lane road construction project, they said.
People traveling between Wilson and Victor will need use other roads to get around the closure.
TETON PASS, Wyoming (WYDOT) – The Wyoming Department of Transportation has closed WYO 22, Teton Pass as of 4:18 a.m. this morning due to a mudslide.
The mudslide came down at milepost 15, near the scale house, breaching both lanes of travel. Crews have been working to clear the debris, but additional material continues to flow into the roadway.
There is no estimated time of opening.

In addition, crews are using the closure to evaluate the temporary patch and movement at milepost 12.8.
Yesterday, Teton Pass was closed due to road damage caused by a landslide. The movement caused a crack and drop in the road, resulting in unsafe driving conditions. Early reports indicate that there has been additional movement since the repairs yesterday.

More information will be available after a more thorough investigation can be completed. If crews deem the section of roadway unsafe for travel, the closure could continue after the cleanup of the mudslide at milepost 15.
WYDOT would like to remind drivers to remember to obey all roadside signs, traffic control devices and closures. To receive alerts on this and other road conditions and closures, drivers can sign up for 511 Notify alerts at