House bill to limit unfair chase in hunting
BOISE, Idaho (KIFI) - A law working through the Idaho Legislature is hoping to stop some people from getting an edge over others when it comes to hunting.
Idaho Fish and Game sets the rules for hunting and fishing in the state.
The agency describes fair chase as pursuing an animal in their natural environment and overcoming its senses.
But a small number of Idaho hunters is looking to exploit animal tracking data.
The group is filing a public records request to get the GPS information.
State lawmakers are now looking to limit that from happening with House Bill 404.
"Lot of people after the same big l people do whatever they think they can get away with," Jim Runsvold said.
The tracking collars are used to map migration routes, behavior and monitor the health of a herd, but without safeguards around that data, there is fear it is ripe for misuse and abuse.
The bill was moved on by the House Resources and Conservation Committee.
It was sent to the full House Monday with a do pass recommendation.