BLM seeks comment on proposed fee to improve outdoor experience at Jump Creek Recreation Site

BOISE, Idaho (KIFI) — The Bureau of Land Management seeks public comment on a proposal to collect day-use fees to improve the visitor experience at the Jump Creek Recreation Site, located seven miles southwest of Marsing in southwestern Idaho.
Recreation at the site, known for its 60-foot waterfall, has almost doubled during a six-year period, as the area’s population has grown. Collecting fees will provide BLM with resources needed to cover increased operational, maintenance and emergency response costs associated with increased use.
The Jump Creek Recreation Site Business Plan includes a proposed $5 per vehicle day-use fee, or $25 annual pass, to begin no earlier than summer 2023 and remain fixed for ten years. This fee was determined through a comparative cost review of similar public and private facilities in surrounding counties. The only use change under consideration is removing permitted camping to make it a day-use site only.
“These fees will enable BLM to improve services, add amenities desired by visitors and help offset costs incurred to administer the site, as well as for our partners at Owyhee County, who assist with enforcement patrols and search and rescue efforts,” BLM Boise District Manager Tanya Thrift said.
Operational and maintenance costs for Jump Creek include trash removal, vault toilet pumping, improving picnic site amenities, graffiti removal and road and trail maintenance. Much of this work is done through independent contract services.
The plan can be viewed online at, or at the BLM Owyhee Field Office at the at the address listed below. Comments will be accepted through Dec. 6, by the following means:
Fax: 208-896-5940
U.S. Mail: BLM Owyhee Field Office, 101 S. Bruneau Hwy., Marsing, ID 83639
Before including an address, phone number, email address, or other personally identifiable information in any comments, be aware that the entire comment – including personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. Requests to withhold personal identifying information from public review can be submitted, but BLM cannot guarantee that it will be able to do so.
Jump Creek offers visitors swimming at the base of the falls or hiking along the easy mile-long Jump Creek Falls Trail to the Falls Overlook to picnic near rock crevices and the meandering stream.