Ammon Mayor pledges support to update the Federal Lifeline program
Ammon Mayor Dana Kirkham is joining other mayors around the nation to update the Federal Lifeline program that helps ensure internet access for low income families.
Kirkham joined mayors and elected officials from 44 other communities around the nation today in supporting a proposal from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to improve Internet access for low-income families by updating the federal Lifeline program.
The letter, coordinated by Next Century Cities, backs a proposal before the FCC in early 2016 which will allow low-income families to use their Lifeline benefit to purchase broadband services at a subsidized rate.
“The proposed modernization of the Lifeline program updates this program to reflect the importance of broadband Internet to prosperity and opportunity in the 21st century,” says Kirkham in the letter. “Promoting access for all to this vital infrastructure will enable us to more effectively meet the needs of our community.”
Ammon is a member of Next Century Cities, a city-to-city initiative founded to support communities and their elected leaders as they seek to ensure that all have access to fast, affordable, and reliable Internet.
To read Kirkham’s full letter you can download it from this link.