Youth Outdoor Skills Day set for May 13
REXBURG, Idaho (KIFI) - Youth Outdoor Skills Day will once again be held on Saturday, May 13 at Beaver Dick Park on Highway 33. The entire event is free and open to the whole family.
Registration begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m. The event runs until 2 p.m. Participants that take part in at least six skills booths will be entered into a drawing for prizes donated by local organizations. A free lunch will also be served while supplies last.
Each year hundreds of kids and their parents have attended this fun activity. Area sportsmen's groups are participating in the event to teach kids some of the skills they need to safely participate in the hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities that can be found in our area. The activities are all free and will cover a wide range of outdoor related skills:
- Archery
- Muzzleloading
- Hunter Education Gun Safety Training
- Outdoor Survival
- Rods & Reels – Fishing
- Trapping
- CAP Trailer
- Antlers, Horns, and Furs
- Atlatl Throwing
- 4H-Outdoor Crafts
- Hound Hunting
- Mule Deer Foundation
- Bear Education Trailer
- Wildlife Telemetry
- Turkey Calling
The location of Beaver Dick Park is along the banks of the Henry's Fork, just west of Rexburg, and right next to IDFG's Cartier Slough Wildlife Management Area. There is sure to be something for everyone and the goal is to get more youth and their families out enjoying the great outdoors of Idaho. For more information call IDFG at 208-525-7290.