Rexburg Adjusts To Texting Ban
Rexburg officials said a recent ban on texting in crosswalks and a crackdown on jaywalking are still going strong.
The texting ordinance seems to be doing its job, at least according to Capt. Randy Lewis with the Rexburg Police Department.
He said crosswalks like these are looking a lot safer.
It’s something most of us have known since childhood — look both ways before crossing the street.
Last April, the city of Rexburg asked its residents to add to that statement by not looking down at their phones, at least to send a text.
Lewis said the new ordinance has pedestrians being a lot more careful in crosswalks.
“Since we implemented the awareness and education campaign and have taken some other steps, it’s made a big difference,” said Lewis.
That difference being fewer distracted pedestrians.
Believe it or not, since the new texting ordinance passed, the Rexburg police haven’t issued one single citation for it.
Lewis said that’s because crosswalkers are really paying attention to the signs and officer instructions.
Plus, the city has a unique alternative for texting and jaywalking offenders.
“What we’ve opted to do is give them the opportunity to attend a two-hour safety course here at the police department,” said Lewis.
Reporter Jessica Crandall caught up with a couple of folks out using the crosswalks in Rexburg. Here’s what they said about the new law and signs adorning the city.
“It helps me remember. You look up and the sign is right there. It says ‘Fines’ and you go, ‘OK, I’m not going to do that’,” said America Marvel.
“I kind of feel like the law to ban texting in the crosswalks is just another way to control people,” said Austin Tew.
At this point, officers said jaywalking is more of a problem than texting in crosswalks.
Lewis said feedback on the texting ban has been mainly positive from the public. They have had some complaints saying the ordinance is just a way for Rexburg to make money.
He maintains that is not true.