Anheuser-Busch debutes Smart Barley technology
Anheuser-Busch debuted the smart barley program today in Idaho Falls to generate higher yields.
Anheuser-Busch has a global initiative to save water with barley growers.
Happy hour started early Friday afternoon at the Anheuser-Bush facility.
The Clydesdale made a special appearance and the beer they famously advertise was plenty on tap.
The focus of today’s event was not the beer, but the barley.
Inside the plant the steeping and malting process takes place. In 2013 this facility produced 295,000 metric tons of barley.
As Idaho’s second crop, those who farm barley were here this afternoon.
“I’ve been a farmer all my life,” said farmer Justin Place.
Standing in front of the smart barley technology, place says farming has come a long way since he’s started.
“Between GPS on tractors and AgriMet, it’s changing, and it’s changing fast,” said Price.
Place has one of these smart barley systems near his farm.
The station allows him to compare his farming practices with his neighbors locally and internationally.
“His new neighbor today is the farmer in China, the malt barley grower in Brazil, the malt barley grower in France,” said Alan Slater, director of North American Barley Association.
The smart barley system measures, humidity, moisture, wind speed, among others.
Powered by a solar panel and a 12 volt battery it collects data like soil health and water use.
“So this way you can see if we’re under watering of over watering,” said Place.
The information is stored online, accessible to farmers around the world to review where they stand globally.
Farmers also share best practices on how each farm can become more efficient.
The technology averages 15 percent water savings each year.
341 growers used Smart Barley around the world in more than seven countries.