Pocatello to see property taxes increase
They’ve crunched the numbers and the city of Pocatello has set its budget for fiscal year 2015.
The city is looking to increase property taxes. David Swindell, chief financial officer, said if your property taxes average around $1,000 per year, you’ll be looking to tack on about $50 more.
The city lost about $2 million during the last year because of discontinuing certain fees, called payment in lieu of taxes, or PILOT fees. That’s why water and utility rates dropped.
Overall Pocatello residents pay less for sewer rates than Chubbuck, Ammon and Blackfoot residents.
But budgets were cut in all departments, especially the fire and street departments. The city’s also digging into savings to meet new requirements set by the Americans with Disabilities Act when it comes to road construction and upgrading wheel chair accessibility.
“The definition of reconstructing a road has been changed,” said Swindell. “Now just about any treatment of the road – a fog seal, a chip seal – will necessitate the upgrade of any ramps that are in that area.”
Overall the city will spend about $92 million for the fiscal year, which begins on Oct. 1. To view the basic budget changes, click here to find the document on the city’s website:bit.ly/VqM6s5. For the detailed listings, click here: bit.ly/1mOYmtP