Wanted: Teddy bears for seniors
The Good Samaritan Society is looking for teddy bears for the Fourth Annual Teddy Bear Drive for Seniors.
The home collects new ones to give to seniors. Each year, on the Friday before Christmas, children and adults from the community come to the home and pass them out.
Event organizers say this is something the residents look forward to each year.
“A lot of these residents don’t have family members that come and visit, or their family lives out of state,” said Natalie Hebard of the Good Samaritan Advisory Board. “We’re their touch to the community. We’re their outreach, and so us coming in to visit them and provide that warm comfort around the holiday season really means a lot to them.”
Donations will be accepted until Dec. 12 at Brady’s, Good Samaritan, Starbucks on Houston and 17th in Idaho Falls, Apple Athletic Club and Idaho National Laboratory’s Engineering Research Office Building and Willow Creek buildings, and Eastern Idaho Technical College.
They will be passed out Dec. 19.