Most popular content of 2014
Eastern Idaho and western Wyoming, this was your year. Below are the most-clicked articles and slideshows of 2014 on
Dog walks in owner’s place in graduation
Evacuation order issued after Jackson explosion
Rexburg deals with flooding
Downpour hits Idaho Falls
2014 primary election candidates
12-year-old crashes into Idaho Falls church
Interstate 15 closes for multi-vehicle crash
Pocatello family rescues child slaves from Nepal
Man hit in Idaho Falls intersection
Jackson Town Council passes disaster declaration
Rexburg floods in storm
Storm hits southeast Idaho
Your Halloween costumes
Rexburg Snowfest 2014
Your snow photos
2014 Penguin Plunge
Truck smashes into car dealership
Explosions rock Jackson
Celebrities who died too young
Storm visits eastern Idaho (with lighting)
See what was most popular on the KIFI/KIDK app here.