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Pocatello high schools compete to collect food

A canned-food drive in Pocatello has Highland High School and Pocatello High School competing to collect the most food, but winning isn’t the main goal.

The idea for the food drive came from recognizing a need.

“Being in several schools across Pocatello, we see that there’s a need for (food donations) and that there are organizations here in (Highland High School) that want to give back to the community,” said Army recruiter Nathan Novelly.

Novelly approached Highland High School counselor Cali Baker about a food drive, since she heads the Natural Helpers Club at the school. Baker then approached the school’s Junior Civitan Club about working together for their canned food drive.

The idea to involve other high schools came up to spur competition to hopefully bring in more food.

“By doing this we thought we could collect as many cans as possible,” said Kristen Alexander, vice president for the Junior Civitan Club.

The food will be split up among Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25’s in-school pantries and the local Idaho Food Bank branch. The community need for the food bank ramps up this time of year because of the nearing holiday season.

All those involved with the food drive say they want this need to be filled.

Natural Helpers Club member Lakota Robinson-Sanda said, “You know that you can make somebody’s day and you can make them smile just by being nice or helpful. It feels good to be a part of the community where you know people are willing to help.”

This is the first time a competitive food drive has been held in District 25. Baker hopes to continue this for many years.

“If the kids are excited and the different school prides come together, then we could get everybody involved, including the community as a whole,” she said. “It could be this really neat tradition.”

The food drive ends this Friday and a winner will be announced then as well. The drive is also accepting other things, like toiletries.

For the holiday season, the Idaho Food Bank especially looks for these items for families: turkeys, gravy, stuffing, corn and green beans.

If you’re interested in volunteering for the Idaho Food Bank, click here for more information or call 208-233-8811.

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