Pocatello flag design enters final stage
A special Pocatello committee has narrowed designs for a new city flag from 700 to 6. Now, the Flag Design Ad-Hoc Committee is looking for a final round of public comment. The public is being asked to rate each design on a scale of one to five, describe why, and explain their connection to the city. The selection process has included seeking feedback from the public as well as input and assistance from a panel of local and national experts in design, history, vexillology, advertising, and art. City spokesman Logan McDougall said there have been some common themes that emerged from public comments. “For example,” he said, “the mountains and our recreational opportunities, the Portneuf River, and education were a few common themes frequently mentioned by respondents.” The public comment period will end June 30 at 5 p.m. The selected design will then be presented to the full City Council for possible adoption as the official Pocatello flag. You can view and comment on the flag designs here.