Local church victims of vandalism
One local Idaho Falls church has fallen victim to vandals.
Vandals cut down the peace flags at the Universalist Unitarian Church. They threw them in the gutter and under a bush.
They also placed an “All Lives Matter” sign in the front yard. This is in retaliation of the church supporting the Black Lives Matter movement.
In response to the vandalism, the church decided to make new peace flags. This time though, with something a little different. A symbol for the eclipse which, they say, can bring the country together.
“We see this as a symbol that will go along with the doves, and the peace signs and the rainbow,”Universalist Unitarian Rev. Lyn Stangland Cameron, said. “They will go up and remind people that at least one time this whole country came together in support of something that was very natural and very real.”
The church says their hope is that these new flags will help spread a message of peace and unity across the community. Rev. Lyn doesn’t want to punish the vandals, but would like to just sit and have a conversation with them.