Plots available at Idaho Falls Community Gardens
As the weather warms up, gardening enthusiasts are getting excited. Some people may not have room for a plot where they live.
That’s why the Idaho Falls Community Gardens was established. People were already at work at the gardens Wednesday.
James Webb is planting snow peas at the Westside Community Garden. This is his second year here. He enjoyed it so much last year he decided to come back.
“It’s a great place to garden and if you need help, like you’ve never gardened in Idaho, there’s people to help,” Webb said.
Garden coordinator Ed Phillips says it’s rewarding.
“Just seeing the earth give back to you what you put into it – it’s a wonderful feeling,” Phillips said.
There are community gardens on Foote Drive near the airport, on Meppen and on Rollandet.
If you ‘ re interested in getting your own garden plot you can go to, or call 208-524-0383.