Central Idaho Dispatch Zone in Extreme Fire Danger
Due to weather and fuel conditions, the Central Idaho Dispatch Zone has been moved to extreme fire danger.
In extreme conditions, fires start and spread quickly, and burn with high intensity.
Small fires can quickly become large fires and exhibit extreme fire intensity such as long distance spotting and fire whirls.
These fires can be difficult to control and most times will become larger and longer-lasting fires.
The Forest Service wants to remind everyone who is planning a camping, hiking or motorized trip to know the conditions of the area you are headed to.
The Central Idaho Fire Restrictions Area which encompasses all Forest Service within the Salmon-Challis National Forest, Bureau of Land Management- Salmon and Challis Field Offices, along with State Lands and privately owned forested lands within the Central Idaho Dispatch Zone is heading into Stage 1 Fire Restrictions effective at 12:01 after midnight on August 11th, 2018.
When in Stage 1, the following are restricted:
Igniting, building, maintaining, attending or using a fire outside a fire structure that is provided by the agency. Smoking outside and enclosed vehicle or building.
Under the restrictions, campfires are only allowed in recreation sites within metal/concrete fire pits.
If you are in an area where they are allowed, if you light it be prepared to fight it.
The restrictions are in effect until there is a significant change in fire danger.
If you start a wildfire, even if it is by accident, you could be held liable for damages and firefighting costs.
If you will be recreating near an ongoing wildfire suppression operation, please keep your distance, do not go near the area and allow the firefighters to do their job safely and efficiently.
Aerial drones should never be flown near or around wild fires on National Forest System Lands.
If you need to report a wildfire, call Central Idaho Dispatch at 208-756-5157 or 911 as soon as possible.