SPECIAL NEWSLINE: Sgt. Todd Howell recounts his ‘it’s a miracle’ story
Sgt. Todd Howell, the Bingham County Officer shot a few weeks ago in a standoff situation in Firth is alive and well and chomping at the bit to get back to work. We caught up with him to hear his incredible ‘it’s a miracle’ story.
He was joined by his wife, Kathy, his daughter and brand new grandson and his boss Sheriff Craig Rowland.
Between the 4 of them, we get the chance to really understand what it is officers do to protect us every day. The risks they take. In this case, keeping the suspect in a house no matter what, so he couldn’t escape to shoot up the town of Firth.
If you’d like to help this family, a fund has been set up at Zions Bank to help support Howell’s family during his recovery.
Donations can be made in the name of Todd Howell at any Zions Bank Branch. Donations can also be mailed to the branch in Blackfoot at 1350 Parkway #1, Blackfoot ID 83221.
Donations can also be made through PayPal by contacting gaustin@co.bingham.id.us.
There’s also a fundraiser on October 13 at the Blackfoot Elks Lodge (123 N. Ash) in Blackfoot at 7 p.m. put on by the Bingham County Sheriff’s Office, Blackfoot Fire Pipes and Drums and the Idaho Falls Fire Department Pipes and Drums.
See flyer HERE.