This might be creeping and crawling in your Halloween costume
Halloween is the time of year where you get to dress up as your favorite character from TV shows or books, but there is something creepy and crawly that you might not think about when you are trying on costumes.
Where did the costume come from and who had it on before you?
You don’t really think about how many people have tried on that mask, hat or costume before you, so here are a few things you can do to prevent giving a creepy crawler a home in your hair.
Put your costume or wig in a sealed plastic bag for 48 hours before wearing it. Any head lice will die within 24 to 48 hours. You can also throw dryer friendly items in the dryer for 45 minutes before wearing them. Always wear a swim or wig cap to cover you or your child’s hair to create a solid barrier that will be tough for lice to cross.
Because children should not share clothes, masks or headbands, if you’re buying a costume from a thrift store, be sure to check it to make sure it’s clean.
“Most people who have head lice probably have had it for days or weeks before you find it,” said Dr. Eric Olson. “And the best way to look for it is too use a very fine tooth comb, you can comb hair either dry or wet if you’re trying to get rid of lice.”
You can view more tips HERE.