Little’s plan to increase teacher salaries statewide
Governor Brad Little stressed the importance of quality education during his inaugural speech.
He said, “In a fast-moving world, a robust education is imperative to compete.”
Idaho is currently in its 5th year of the “Career Ladder Plan.”
A plan that focuses on raising teacher salaries as well as increase funding to public schools.
This is, of course, a continuing task of Governor Otter. The Idaho Association of Education is excited that Governor Little will continue this initiative.
Kari Overall, President of Idaho Education Association, says, “We are excited that governor little is committed to getting stakeholders together to come up with the new plan for public education… How we invest in our schools, how we ensure that every student has access to resources to be successful and to get a quality public education.”
Governor Little still needs funding from the state legislature to begin the initial planning process. He is currently outlining his priorities on a new 5-year plan for Idaho’s education system. One aspect of this plan that he hopes to accomplish is to raise the beginning salary for teachers statewide to 40-thousand dollars a year.