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How to maintain your health in the cold weather

As the weather continues to get colder, skin tends to get dryer and dryer in Idaho’s dry climate.

Finding a good moisturizer is key to helping your skin survive, it’s recommended to put lotion on within three to five minutes from getting out of the shower.

Once the summer ends, we tend to relax on our sunscreen application, but it’s something that is recommended you wear year-round. You can still get sunburned in the cold.

To avoid having hands that crack and bleed from the dryness, apply lotion after every hand wash.

Also, changing the temperature of your shower will help.

“Lower the temperature of your shower or bath, you’re in it for a short period basically in and out. And then use a good moisturizer afterward, will control things. Another thing, that you can do, I mean there’s a lot of like bath oils that you could do that will actually help moisturize the skin,” said Alpine Dermatology C.P.A, Cameron French.

French says a humidifier can help bring moister back in the air and help not only your skin but your lungs as well.

For kids, putting lotion on can be a tricky task, French suggests putting it on them when they’re asleep.

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