Trace ancestry at free family discovery day event

Have you been wanting to trace your ancestry but don’t know how or where to start? On Saturday, October 26 there’s a free Family Discovery Day at the LDS Church on the corner of Sunnyside and Holmes. The free family-centered event provides those in the area an opportunity to discover their own history and to learn more about their ancestors through different activities. Consultants can tie you into genealogy data bases that go back hundreds of years. There are even programs that show how you’re related to famous entertainers and historical figures.
From using the latest phone apps, to indexing, Family Discovery Day provides everything you need to get a family tree started while discovering your own roots. There will also be activities and games for children of all ages along with food and treats. The event runs from 10am to 3pm and those of all faiths and backgrounds are welcome.
For more information and updates on this fun community event, follow IFFamilyDiscoveryDay on Facebook.
KIFI 2019