Mexico’s Sheinbaum keeps doing morning briefings, though her style is unlike her predecessor’s

Associated Press
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Claudia Sheinbaum has begun her presidency the same way her predecessor concluded his: with a morning media briefing known in Mexico as a mañanera from the National Palace. Though analysts agree that Sheinbaum will try to create her own brand, she will inevitably be compared to former President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Sheinbaum, a scientist-turned-politician, has planned to follow in the footsteps of López Obrador. But their communication styles are dramatically different. Sheinbaum has a sparse, academic speaking style, compared with her predecessor’s lengthy, colloquial orations. Now the question is whether Sheinbaum will be able to capture the attention and win the empathy that López Obrador managed to consolidate during his six-year term.