YMCA Christmas tree lot now open

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI) - The Idaho Falls YMCA Christmas tree lot is now open and all proceeds go towards their scholarship program.
The YMCA is raising money towards its learning center for Toddlers and children up to sixth grade.
The money will also go to support their resident's camps and youth sports.
If you already bought a tree this year you can buy one for a family in need.
The YMCA will choose the family for you.
They want you to know the funding is going towards a good cause.
Donovan Stokes the Financial Program Community Director at the YMCA said, "Helping our kids thrive and help them understand how important they are, it really reassures that they have the confidence that they need to be tomorrow leaders and so it's very important that the community comes together to help our young people. As you all know, it takes a village to raise your child. And so it's very important that the community come together, have all of our children thrive and be the best that they can be."
They will also be accepting donations and their goal this year is to raise twenty-five thousand dollars.