School choice vs. public funding debate
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI) — School choice is expected to be a hot topic in Idaho's upcoming legislative session.
A preview of sorts happened at an Idaho Falls debate on Thursday. State Representative Wendy Horman debated former journalist and author Rod Gramer.
Representative Horman is an advocate of directing public funding to a school that best suits a child's needs, whether it is public or private. Horman says she is not out to take funding from public schools.
“School choice does not mean I'm out to harm public schools, not divert their funding. In fact, the opposite is true. My...over 30 year record in this state, disproves that claim,” Horman said.
Gramer, an native of Idaho, debated in favor of public funding going exclusively to public schools and addressed the cost of levies.
“If the legislature was fully fulfilling its duty and responsibility to fund education, local property taxpayers would not have to raise their levies to support their local schools,” said Gramer.
The 2025 Idaho legislative session begins Monday, January 6.