Car crashes into train near Fort Hall
The following is a news release from the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Office of Public Affairs.
FORT HALL, Idaho (SBTRIBES) – The Fort Hall Police Department (FHPD) received a call on February 13 at 4:04 p.m. of a train and car accident at Sheepskin and Treaty Highway.
FHPD officers arrived and found the driver, Amanda Vongmany, was traveling west on Sheepskin in a Mitsubishi Galant and was unable to stop due to road conditions and hit the train. She did not sustain any injuries and the vehicle was towed.
The Tribal Transportation Department Manager Pete Broncho, said both Agency Road and Sheepskin Railroad crossing is closed until Union Pacific Railroad can complete their investigation. Traffic is detoured to the Boarding School crossing and at the Cattle Trails.