Bingham County citizens share concerns over proposed gravel pit
BINGHAM COUNTY, Idaho (KIFI)– The Bingham County Planning and Zoning Commission recently decided to move forward with a conditional use permit for Gale Lim Construction to begin a gravel mining operations near Blackfoot.
Area residents banded together in opposition of the project, saying that the mining operations would negatively impact nearby neighborhoods and harm recreational areas and wildlife near the proposed gravel pit.
"It's going to affect our property values, the serenity we have, and the quality of life that we enjoy here," said Robert Miller, a Bingham County resident who lives across I-15 from the proposed mining site. "It's a big impact on our neighborhood and in our community."
Gale Lim Construction applied for a conditional use permit in 2024 to begin gravel mining and asphalt production on 99 acres of zoned agricultural land off of Archery Range Road.
At a meeting on January 6, Gale Lim Construction testified to the Bingham County Planning and Zoning Commission that they had followed all regulations in securing the permit to begin mining.
Gale Lim Construction also said that, after conducting environmental impact and traffic studies, they concluded that gravel mining operations would not negatively impact the area's residence or nearby recreational areas.
Those opposed to the project, however, remain unconvinced. They are fighting to appeal the project and avoid the noise, pollution, and traffic they say the business would bring to their area.
"We're just asking the community to stand up for what's right," said Vera Marcinko, a nearby resident. "There's going to be a time where money is not going to buy this anymore–we're not going to be able to get it back."
For more information on the proposed project and county actions, you can visit the Bingham County Planning and Zoning Commission website.