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CARES Act funding for higher education and how dual credit will be awarded


BOSIE, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - Idaho’s public higher education institutions are expected to receive more than $36 million in federal relief funding as a result of the CARES Act approved by Congress and the President.

Half of that money - $18 million - must be used as direct emergency financial aid grants to students as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the disruption and financial hardship it has created for students across Idaho.  The institutions have discretion in how the grand funding is allocated to students.

The figures were included in an update delivered during Monday's special Idaho State Board of Education meeting. You can watch that below.

Here’s a breakdown of how CARES Act funds will be distributed to Idaho’s public institutions:

InstitutionTotal AllocationFunding Available for Emergency Financial Aid For Students
Boise State University$10,937,516$5,468,758
Idaho State University$7,097,839$3,548,920
University of Idaho$6,905,295$3,452,648
College of Western Idaho$4,030,648$2,015,324
North Idaho College$2,161,877$1,080,939
College of Southern Idaho$2,076,917$1,038,459
Lewis-Clark State College$1,979,771$989,886
College of Eastern Idaho$985,694$492,847

Dual Credit Courses

Board members also heard how Idaho’s high schools and institutions are considering changing how Dual Credit courses are graded this semester in response to the health crisis. 

Most Dual Credit courses are now being delivered through remote learning (online, teleconference, packets) and some students may receive a Pass/Fail grade rather than letter grades this semester for Dual Credit courses.

Idaho’s higher education institutions will accept Dual Credit if a student passes their Dual Credit course either with a passing letter grade or with a “P” grade.

The State Board will hold a regular Board meeting later this week on Thursday, April 16, 2019.  You can view the agenda meeting materials HERE.

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