Central Idaho Resource Advisory Committee announces 2022 projects

LEMHI COUNTY, Idaho (KIFI) - The Central Idaho Resource Advisory Committee approved 16 projects for almost $685,000 in funding at their March 24 meeting.
The projects will benefit National Forest System lands and ecosystems in Butte, Custer, and Lemhi Counties.
The funds support a wide array of activities including trail maintenance, terrestrial and aquatic invasive species projects, reforestation, historical site and campground improvements, and road improvement and maintenance. The additional funding comes from the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act, which has received strong support from Idaho’s Congressional delegation since its start in 2000.
Projects must meet established criteria and improve federal lands in the following areas: road, trail, and infrastructure maintenance or obliteration, soil productivity improvement, improvements in forest ecosystem health, watershed restoration and maintenance, restoration, maintenance, and improvement of wildlife and fish habitat, control of noxious and exotic weeds or reestablishment of native species. At least 50 percent of all project funds are dedicated to restoring streams and watersheds; or road maintenance, decommissioning or removal. Projects may be on lands other than Forest Service lands but must show a direct benefit to National Forest System lands.
Louise Bruce is the chairperson of the federally chartered committee. She said she was pleased to see the number of partner groups proposing projects. She noted that even more funding will be available for these kinds of projects in the next few years. “It’s good to see an increased awareness and support for these Secure Rural Schools funds because they really help our local rural economies.”
“The projects the Resource Advisory Committee selected this spring will benefit National Forest System Lands in Butte, Custer, and Lemhi Counties for many years to come,” Salmon-Challis National Forest Supervisor Chuck Mark said.
He said the Resource Advisory Committee will meet again in early summer when to have FY2021 allocation amounts available. At that meeting, the committee will re-consider previously submitted projects that were not funded or not fully funded.
Projects Awarded by the Central Idaho Resource Advisory Committee, March 24, 2022
Project # | Project Name: | Purpose: | County: | Amount Funded: |
22-2 | Gift Shop Propane Refrig. & wood shelving/ Land of the Yankee Fork | Replace refrigeration and shelving in existing infrastructure | Custer | $ 5,000.00 |
22-3 | Salmon River Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention | Hire outreach/educ. Staff for aquatic invasive education | Custer/Lemhi | $ 27,390.00 |
22-5 | Big Hole Pass/ CDT Coalition | CDT trail improvement volunteer event | Lemhi | $ 7,100.00 |
22-6 | Leadore City Park Rest Area | Funding for restroom in Leadore City Park | Lemhi | $ 50,000.00 |
22-7 | Trail Maintenance/ Pulaski Group | Provide trail maintenance on trails | Custer | $ 52,000.00 |
22-8 | Trail Maintenance/Meyers Cove & Bighorn Crags/Idaho Trails Assoc. | Funding for trail maintenance | Custer/Lemhi | $ 19,000.00 |
22-10 | Toxaway Puncheons/Yellowbelly Trail #7096 maintenance | Supervision of crew doing trail maintenance | Custer | $ 20,000.00 |
22-11 | Custer County Fuel Reduction Project | Custer County fuel reduction/firewood | Custer | $ 60,000.00 |
22-12 | Lemhi County Fuel Reduction Project | Lemhi County fuel reduction/firewood | Lemhi | $ 60,000.00 |
22-13 | Reforestation partnership program | Staffing for reforestation partnership liaison position | Custer/Lemhi | $ 30,000.00 |
22-14 | South Zone invasive plant inventory & treatment | Inventory of invasive grasses & treatment | Custer/Butte | $ 25,000.00 |
22-15 | Mt. Borah Trailhead & Campground Improvements | Improve Mt. Borah trailhead & campground improvements | Custer | $ 100,000.00 |
22-16 | Salmon River Scenic Byway Weed Mgmt. | Treat invasive weeds adjacent to Hwy 75 | Custer | $ 16,500.00 |
22-17 | Lost River Trail Improvement | Trail maintenance | Custer/Butte | $ 12,000.00 |
22-19 | Lost River Hwy. District FS Road Maintenance | 2 years of Hwy Dept. resurfacing FS roads | Custer | $ 200,901.00 |
2022 Total Awards: | $ 684,891.00 |