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Watch Deputy Wyatt Maser funeral procession and graveside service

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - A funeral procession will take place for Bonneville County Sheriff’s Deputy Wyatt Maser at 2:30 p.m. Friday.

You can watch it below.

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The procession will begin from Wood Funeral Home to Fielding Memorial Cemetery - 4600 S. Yellowstone Hwy. Idaho Falls. It will go south on Ammon to Sunnyside, then west on Sunnyside all the way to Yellowstone Highway and then south to Fielding Memorial.

There will be a significant increase of parked cars/traffic near Woods Funeral Home on S. Ammon between 1st St. and 17th St.  from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m., and the sheriff's office asks you avoid that area as much as possible. 

Suggested areas for the community to view the procession and/or pay respects to Dep. Maser and family are as follows:

  • South of 17th St. to Sunnyside
  • Hillcrest HS/Sandcreek Commons area near Sunnyside and 25th E.
  • Mel Erickson Park near EIRMC and Sunnyside Rd
  • Sunnyside and Woodruff area

The Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office, in an attempt to adhere to current state guidelines and recommendations with the COVID-19 epidemic, respectfully asks agencies wishing to send representation be from within the State of Idaho with the exception of Natrona County Wyoming Sheriff’s Office who have close family ties to Dep. Maser. 

For those that do attend, the viewing will be limited to groups of 10 people in the funeral home, and police ask for your assistance in helping with social distancing at the graveside service beginning at 3 p.m. 

A memorial fund has been set up at the ISU Credit Union in Idaho Falls under the name “Bonneville County FOP, Wyatt Maser Memorial Account.” Out of state or area agencies wishing to make a donation to the Maser family in lieu of attending funeral services can contact the ISU Credit Union by phone to make arrangements – 208-235-7100.

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