New Idaho unemployment claims drop
BOISE, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK)-Idaho unemployment claims for the week ending May 30 dropped 22% from the previous week. There were 3,646 initial claims for benefits for the week.
The number of people who requested an ongoing benefit payment declined by 10% to 51,035.
Manufacturing, health care and social assistance workers accounted for almost 13% of the unemployment claims filed during the week. Accommodations and food services accounted for the third largest group of workers, almost 12% and retail workers accounted for nearly 11%.
24% of the claims were for peopled aged 25 to 34 and 20% were aged 35 to 44. Young people under the age of 25 represented 18% of initial claims.
Unemployment payouts for the week of May 24-30, from $25.7 million to $22.2 million. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance payments rose to $944,700. Most of those payments went to self-employed persons.
As of May 30, total benefit payments attributed to COVID-19 layoffs reached $312 million.