Slash fires planned across western Wyoming

JACKSON, Wyo. (KIFI/KIDK)-Teton Interagency fire crews will be burning slash piles throughout the Bridger-Teton National Forest and Grand Teton National Park this fall.
The slash was created from fuel reduction projects, timber sales, and other administrative activities. The piles will be burned under low fire-behavior conditions thanks to wet weather and snow. Smoke could be visible during the day of the fires and could linger in the area for a few days after.
The fires are ignited only under certain conditions, including smoke dispersal and weather that limits the chance of spread. The fires are also closely monitored after the burns are completed.
Many of the fuel reduction treatments are in Wildland Urban Interface where park or national forest lands are adjacent to communities or public infrastructure.
Here is a list of the scheduled activity:
Grand Teton National Park-
-Along the Pacific Creek Road there are more than 100 piles to be burned after mechanical treatments were completed in 2019.
-There are numerous other areas with isolated pockets of piles from hazard tree removal and routine road and trail maintenance throughout the park.
Bridger-Teton National Forest-
Kemmerer and Greys River Ranger Districts
-Numerous large logging slash piles remain at Big Park and Kelley.
-Approximately 50 acres of piles are ready to burn in Lost Creek. This is the final effort of the Star Valley Ranch Project.
Big Piney and Pinedale Ranger Districts
-Approximately 150 acres of piles have cured along the Skyline Fuel Reduction Project. This area will take multiple days of ignitions to complete.
-Other small groupings of piles can be found across the districts from administrative activities.
Jackson and Blackrock Ranger Districts
-Approximately 200 acres of piles have cured along the Phillips Ridge powerline corridor. This is a continuation of the larger Teton to Snake Fuel Reduction Project.
-There are 118 acres of piles in the vicinity of Turpin Meadows Recreation Residence from this year’s efforts to increase defensible space on Forest Service land.
-Additional piles will be ignited across the districts including piles around Snow King and Jackson Hole Mountain Resorts.