Rising COVID-19 cases prompts Jefferson DMV to go appointment only

RIGBY, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - The Jefferson County Department of Motor Vehicles and Assessor's Office is moving to appointment-only service restricted to Jefferson County residents only beginning Monday.
The new GEM system, which came online last month, has created significant slowdowns in service.
Long lines combined with the increased risk of COVID-19 transmission prompted the move.
Appointments will be required for all transactions. Title transactions are limited to one per appointment time. For multiple vehicle title transactions, multiple appointment times should be scheduled.
You should come prepared for your appointments with all necessary identification, vehicle information and method of payment.
Online, mail-in and drop box options are also available.
- ONLINE: https://itd.idaho.gov/itddmv/
- MAIL-IN: Jefferson County Assessor – P.O. Box 538 Rigby, ID 83442
- DROP BOX: Grey box outside across from the main courthouse door
The Idaho Department of Transportation has extended registration deadlines. If a vehicle was due for renewal from September thru December, the new deadline is now January 31.
Individuals requesting Assessor's Office or GIS services, including homeowner's exemptions, should also make an appointment. Driver's License appointments are made by calling (208)745-9229.
Appointments may be made HERE or by scanning the QR Code below.