Idaho Falls Chamber launches “Hope Lunches” program

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK)-COVID-19 has raised havoc with scores of organizational luncheons, dinners and other get-togethers, but the Greater Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce hopes to turn the situation into a plus.
In cooperation with Elevation Labs, the Chamber has created what it is calling "Hope Lunches."
The campaign asks businesses and individuals to support the Community Food Basket by donating the cost of their "Hope Lunch."
The Chamber is one group that recently canceled its regularly scheduled "Out of the Box" lunches. They asked sponsors and prepaid attendees to donate the cost of their lunch to the Community Food Basket.
Now, the Chamber is extending the invitation to all businesses.
"Michael Hughes, President and Chief Executive officer of Elevation Labs, volunteered to start this campaign off with a $3,000 donation on behalf of Elevation Labs. Our hope is that other businesses and individuals will join in and help," said Chamber CEO Chip Schwarze.
The Community Food Basket has been stretched to meet a growing need in 2020. The Chamber of Commerce said cash donations are particularly helpful. The Food Basket can purchase $5 worth of food for every $1 donated.
100% of all donations will be given directly to the Community Food Basket. Businesses can collect donations from their employees and then call the Chamber at 208-523-1010, bring in their donations, or mail a check to the chamber office. Individuals can go to the Chamber’s website and click on the “Hope Lunches” event to buy “Hope Lunches” online.