Nuclear infrastructure act aimed at furthering energy research

WASHINGTON D.C. (KIFI/KIDK) - Idaho Senator Mike Crapo (R) has joined bi-partisan sponsorship of the "American Nuclear Infrastructure Act of 2020" to revitalize the country's nuclear infrastructure. Crapo said the bill would help contribute to and empower the Idaho National Laboratory in continuing its nuclear energy research.
The measure is co-sponsored by Senators John Barraso (R-Wyoming), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island) and Cory Booker (D-New Jersey). Crapo said it will enable U.S. international leadership, preserve America's nuclear fuel suipply chain, reduce carbon emissions and strengthen the country's economic, energy, and national security.
You can review a section-by-section review of the legislation here.
“Over the last couple of years, Congress has ushered in a new chapter in U.S. nuclear energy by enacting legislation promoting nuclear innovation,” said Crapo. “The advancement of clean, reliable nuclear energy is paramount to maintaining the United States’ eminence in nuclear power, research and innovation."
He believes the act would enhance collaboration with allies, develop a nuclear workforce and improve procedures to deploy advanced nuclear technologies.