Pocatello city planners to host open house for Alameda Area Plan
POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI)– City planners are holding an open house at Greenacres Elementary School on Thursday to discuss the creation of a 15-year plan for the Alameda area of Pocatello.
Included in Pocatello's new Comprehensive Plan are details for the drafting of neighborhood plans to guide the development of the city tailored to different areas' specific needs.
"We're seeing a need for housing, a desire for improved recreation facilities citywide," said Jim Anglesey, Pocatello's long-range senior planner. "But these area plans will help give the neighborhoods a voice in what they'd like to see in their neighborhood, and what type of development they would want to see to preserve the culture and identity of their neighborhood."
The Alameda Area Plan open house will be Thursday, March 20 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm at Greenacres Elementary School at 1250 E. Oak Street in Pocatello.
If you are unable to make it to the open house in person, city planners are also collecting public input on the area plan through an online survey at alameda-area-plan-pocatello.hub.arcgis.com.