Pay It Forward find news nonprofit helping victims of domestic violence

BONNEVILLE COUNTY, Idaho (KIDK/KXPI/KIFI) - In this Pay It Forward shines a new nonprofit that is just starting out on a quest to help victims of domestic violence. News anchor Todd Kunz wanted to learn how the group got started and find out more about the resources they provide, and Pay It Forward.
"All of us right here are all survivors of domestic violence, of some kind," said founder and CEO, Angelica Sandoval, referring to the woman standing with her. Because of the experiences of treasurer Sydnee Flores, director Miriam Mendoza, board member Sandi Salinas, and second in command Maria Sanchez, Sandoval felt she should bring them all together for a bigger purpose to help others going through a similar situation.
"I am free for four years now, and I prayed about what I'm supposed to be doing. And I got the same dream three times about opening my own domestic violence center. So that's what I'm doing," said Sandoval.
And just like that, the nonprofit 16:14 Revival Foundation Inc. was born with nine board members. The name comes from a Biblical scripture in 1 Corinthians 16:14, which states: "Let all you do, be done in love."
"It's on our shirt, our sweaters, and our shirts, is these people that have been hurt for so long in so many different ways that they don't know what love feels like. They don't know what the true meaning of love is. And so us a 16:14, it's our job to be able to show them that there's so much more out there than what they were ever told that they were," said Sandoval.
She said it is her passion to turn her own pain into help for others. She said a lot of people didn't know about her situation for 15 years, and therefore, no help and resources, until she started talking about it. And that, she said, is the first step and what they aim to do with 16:14 Revival Foundation Inc.
"It's okay to feel that the way that they feel and to feel that what they're going through is not their fault is something that we're all striving for to change," said Sandoval.
Right now, they are in the the grant writing and waiting phase, and networking with others. How about a little help and Pay It Forward.
"Hello is Angelica here? asked as man, walking into the meeting place.
"I'm right here," said Sandoval.
"Hi, Angelica. My name is Jake (Baggaley) and I'm with Mountain America Credit Union. How are you today?" he asked.
"Hi. Nice to meet you," replied Sandoval.
"Good to meet you. I hear that you started a new foundation," said Baggaley.
"I did," said Sandoval.
"And you guys are trying your best to obviously get up and running, but also doing your best to help our community with domestic violence. And so we'd like to Pay It Forward to you guys with $500 as a donation toward your foundation," said Baggaley, handing over an envelope of cash.
"Wow," replied Sandoval, taking the envelope.
"Thank you," said Flores.
"Congratulations, but we're grateful for all you guys are doing for the community," said Baggaley.
"Thank you," said Salinas.
"Thank you," repeated Sandoval.
"Hope that you guys can find a lot of good success," said Baggaley.
"Thank you. I really appreciate it," said Sandoval.
"Thanks so much guys," said Baggaley.
"Thank you," said Sandoval.
"Yeah," said Baggaley.
"If you cry, I'll cry," said Flores to Sandoval.
"I know," said Sandoval, beginning to cry yet laughing.
The group 16:14 Revival Foundation Inc. has a weekly podcast called "It Begins With Us." It can be found on YouTube and Spotify or most platforms where you listen to your favorite podcast. They talk with domestic violence survivors and discuss resources that are available for help.
They are also looking for a permanent place to call home. You can get in touch with them on Facebook.