Badger Fire road, trail and area closure
OAKLEY, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - The Badger Fire, located on the Minidoka Ranger District – 20 miles southwest of Oakley, started on September 12 near Badger Gulch, off Forest Service road 533 and 536.
Dry conditions, high winds, low visibility and extreme fire behavior, including long-range spotting, torching and fire whirls caused the fire to grow quickly.
Great Basin Type 3 Team Nevada Sierra Front assumed command of the Badger fire Tuesday morning, with Incident Commander Scott Stephenson.
The fire is currently burning in grass, brush, logging slash and heavy timber. Multiple structures are threatened.
Unfavorable weather conditions are expected Tuesday. In addition to high winds, warm temperatures and low relative humidity may lead to critical fire weather, creating difficult conditions for firefighters.
Fire crews will be focusing on creating a safe anchor point, constructing direct fire containment lines, and point protection on structures.
Access roads into the fire area, Forest Service Road 533 and 536 are being restricted to fire personnel only.
You can view the full Badger Fire road, trail and area closure below.
Version 1
Public Safety
Pursuant to Title 36 CFR 261.50 (a) and (b), the following acts are prohibited in the Area described in this Order, including the roads and trail within the Area, located within the administrative boundaries of the Minidoka Ranger District, Sawtooth National Forest. This Order will be in effect when signed and shall remain in effect through October 30, 2020, at 00:01 AM, unless rescinded earlier by the Forest Supervisor.
1. Going into or upon the Area described below. 36 CFR 261.52(e).
2. Going into or upon the Area Described below. 36 CFR261.53(e).
3. Being on the Roads described below. 36 CFR 261.54(e).
4. Being on the Trails described below. 36 CFR 261.55(a).
Pursuant to 36 CFR 261.50(e) the following persons are exempt from this Order:
1. Persons with a special use authorization or other Forest Service authorization specifically exempting them from the effect of this Order.
2. Any Federal, State, or local officer, or member of an organized rescue or fire fighting force in the performance of an official duty.
3. Federal or State administrative personnel in the performance of an official duty.
All National Forest System lands, roads, and trails within the boundary described beginning at the National Forest boundary with BLM at the intersection with Forest Service Road 515, in T13 S, T12 S, R19 E, Sections 6, 31; then continuing east along National Forest Boundary to the north east corner of the Cassia Division in T13S, R20E, Section 1; then continuing south along the Forest Boundary to the south east corner of the Cassia Division in T16 S, R20 E, Section 25; then continuing south and west along the National Forest boundary to the intersection with FSR 542 in T16 S, R19 E, Section 31; then continuing north along FSR 542, but not including FSR 542, to the intersection with FSR 541 in T15 S, R18 E, Section 24; then continuing north along FSR 541 but not including FSR 541 to the intersection with FSR 500 in T14 S, R19 E, Section 31; then continuing north on FSR 500, but not including FSR 500, to the intersection with FSR 515 in
T14S, R18 E, Section 24; then continuing north along the FSR 515, but not including FSR 515, to the point of beginning at the intersection with FSR 515 and the Forest Boundary in T13 S, R19 E, Section 6.
The described Area is shown on the Map attached hereto as Exhibit A, and includes all roads and trails within the Area and forming the boundaries of the Area, unless specified otherwise in the description above. The Area is within the Minidoka Ranger District, Sawtooth National Forest, Cassia and Twin Falls County, Idaho, Boise Meridian.
The Diamondfield Jack Campground Area is described as the entire campground including the parking lot and all roads located in T14 S, R19 E Section 31.
The above described campground is located along Rock Creek Road, FS road 500 within the Minidoka Ranger District, Sawtooth National Forest, Boise Meridian, Cassia County Idaho.
Harrington Fork Day Use Area and Third Fork Campground are open for use. Access to the Harrington and Third Fork Trails are both closed.
The described Area is shown on the Map attached hereto as Exhibit A, and includes all roads and trails within the Area and forming the boundaries of the Area, unless specified otherwise I the description above. The Area is within the Minidoka Ranger District, Sawtooth National Forest, Cassia and Twin Falls County, Idaho, Boise Meridian.
The Area described above is closed to public entry in order to provide for public safety during wildfire suppression activities.
1. This Order will be in effect when signed and shall remain in effect through October 30, 2020, at 00:01 AM, unless rescinded earlier by the Forest Supervisor.
2. A Map identifying the above-described Area, Roads and trails is attached hereto as Exhibit A, and is made part of this Order.
3. Violation of the above prohibition(s) is punishable by a fine of not more than $5,000.00 for an individual, or $10,000 for an organization, and/or imprisonment for not more than six (6) months. [Title 16 USC 551, Title 18 USC 3571 (b)(6), Title 18 USC 3581 (b)(7).]
4. Further information regarding this Order may be obtained at the Minidoka Ranger District office in Burley, ID, 208-678-0430 or the Sawtooth National Forest Supervisor’s Office in Jerome, ID, 208-423-7500.
Done at Jerome, ID this 15day of September 2020.
Digitally signed by JAMES DEMAAGD
Date: 2020.09.15
10:08:20 -06'00'
Jim DeMaagd
Forest Supervisor Sawtooth National Forest